My Livestreaming schedule

screenshot of the livestream
Come and watch me suffer

What do I stream?

I focus mostly on tech, and live coding. Topics related to cloud, security, vintage computers, linux, devops, infrastructure as code … are my bread and butter. But do not be surprised if you see me go down a rabbit hole or two. Ultimately I like to explore technology and explain while I am doing it. So if you like to experience some troubleshooting, some failures, some success, and a lot of back and forth - you came to the right place 🥳

Here are some of the topics I have planned to cover in the near future:

  • NixOS installation and configuration
  • Checking out Guix Linux
  • Trying to beat Over the Wire wargames
  • Building command line applications with Rust

And much more 📋

Feel free to reach out to me over on Discord - just find me as ruptwelve

Oh yeah, the Twitch channel - give me a follow here:

twitch banner


I stream Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 PM Pacific.

Show notes of previous streams

Coming soon